Union Minister for Coal and Mines, G Kishan Reddy, shared a heartfelt post by his brother, Mittapally Surender, on social media today. The post underscores Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s humility and critiques the hypocrisy of some political leaders who have historically marginalized certain communities.
In his post, Surender expressed deep admiration for an image showing Modi touching the hands of a Dappu artist. He clarified that the significance of the gesture wasn’t merely in the fact that Modi bowed to the artist, but in the larger context of what this act represented. Surender pointed out that many political leaders had previously treated the Dappu-playing community—often from the Scheduled Castes as untouchables, relegating them to the outskirts of villages. Despite this mistreatment, these leaders often sought the community’s participation in political events like Padayatras or victory processions.
Surender challenged these leaders, urging them to reflect on their actions. He asked, ‘Did you ever consider them humans?’ His message emphasized how Modi’s gesture contrasted sharply with the behavior of those who used marginalized communities for their own gain. Surender’s words conveyed a sense of respect and admiration for Modi’s act, which had touched him deeply.
Invitation To Modi In Telangana
The post concluded with a heartfelt invitation to Modi: “Please come to Telangana; we will turn our hearts into dappulu (traditional drums) and play on them for you.” Surender expressed that Modi’s respect for the community had moved him, symbolizing a greater message of unity and inclusivity.
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The Dappu, a traditional musical instrument, has historically been associated with the SC community in Telangana. For many, it represents both cultural pride and the social challenges the community has faced. Modi’s act of bowing to touch the hands of a Dappu artist sends a powerful message of respect for all communities, regardless of their social standing.
A Stark Contrast To Political Exploitation
Reddy’s post has sparked widespread conversation, particularly about the stark difference between Modi’s approach to social integration and the historical neglect of marginalized communities by certain political figures. The gesture serves as a reminder of the importance of respect, inclusivity, and equality in Indian politics.
Through this message, Modi’s actions challenge political leaders who have exploited these communities for their own gain. It encourages reflection on how power can be used to uplift rather than divide, highlighting the need for greater unity and social cohesion.
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