DMK leader and Tamil Nadu minister, Udhayanidhi Stalin, has criticized the use of ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogans to mock a Pakistani cricketer during the India-Pakistan World Cup match in Ahmedabad. These comments have triggered strong reactions, with BJP leaders, including national spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia, accusing him of spreading hatred and referring to him as a “mosquito.”
Videos circulating on social media showed individuals raising ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogans as Pakistan’s wicketkeeper-batter, Mohammad Rizwan, walked to the dugout, prompting criticism. Many have argued that such behavior goes against the spirit of cricket and amounts to harassment of the cricketer.
However, some have pointed out that Rizwan had previously offered namaz on the field and expressed solidarity with people in war-hit Gaza during an earlier match, suggesting that the cricketer introduced religion into the game.
Udhayanidhi Stalin, in a statement on social media, emphasized India’s reputation for sportsmanship and hospitality, and expressed his disapproval of the treatment of Pakistani players at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. He described it as “unacceptable” and a “new low,” emphasizing that sports should be a unifying force between countries that fosters true brotherhood, not a tool to spread hatred.
This isn’t the first time Udhayanidhi Stalin’s remarks have stirred controversy. In the past, he made comments about Sanatana Dharma, suggesting it should be “eradicated” and drawing criticism from the BJP.
In response to his recent remarks, BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia used strong language, referring to Udhayanidhi Stalin as a “hateful dengue, malaria mosquito” that spreads poison. He questioned why there was no issue when a match was paused for namaz on the field and emphasized that “Jai Shri Ram” is a universal chant.
Trinamool Congress MP Saket Gokhale also criticized the use of slogans to heckle the Pakistani cricketer, expressing doubts about India’s suitability to host international sporting events if such behavior continues.
The India-Pakistan match ended with India securing a comfortable 7-wicket victory, marking its eighth consecutive win against its neighbor in the World Cup.
The visit of the Pakistan team to the World Cup and the grand welcome it received in Hyderabad and Ahmedabad has elicited mixed responses. While many cricket fans have called for keeping political differences separate from the game, others have raised concerns about Pakistan’s role in cross-border terrorism and questioned the feasibility of maintaining normal sports relations amid border tensions.
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