Rajya Sabha MP and former Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Government, Dr Dinesh Sharma said at different Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra programs in Tiruchirappalli, Karur and Pollachi districts that the DMK’s government is committed to massive corruption in the funds of the Central Government schemes. Due to irregularities in the central schemes, many people of the state have been deprived of their benefits.
He stated that central Government schemes benefits properly reach the common people, it is necessary to remove the corrupt DMK government from the state. He appealed people to make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister for the third time, he said that only if this happens, the schemes of the Center will be able to reach the people properly.
Today, various schemes of the Central Government like Ujjwala Yojana, toilet construction, Ayushman Yojana with free medical facility up to Rs. 5 lakh, Kisan Samman Nidhi are bringing changes in the lives of people in other states of the country. The Prime Minister intends to develop the country and improve the lives of the common people.
He said that the Prime Minister’s advice to the nation to follow the path of religion hurts the opposition because all their actions are of unrighteous.
Describing South India as an important part of the country, he said that Adi Shankaracharya called the Shiva temple of Tamil Nadu as Ramnath temple and established Vaishnav Badrinath at Kedar (Shiv Dham) in the Himalayas and connected the whole India. BJP is trying to unite entire country following the principles of Adi Shankaracharya. On the contrary, the opposition has been trying to divide the country on the basis of caste, religion, language and region for 70 years.
He also reviewed the preparations for the proposed program at Sri Rangam Temple on January 20 in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s district Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu with the core group of BJP. In his last program, he met with prominent leaders of Pollachi Lok Sabha constituency of Coimbatore district. Along with the programs of Bharat Sankalp Yatra, he also reviewed the preparations for the Lok Sabha elections. District President Pollachi Shri Vasanth Swamy, Arasu Pillai, Murugesan and other leaders were present.
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