The Delhi High Court has disposed of the petition filed by dismissed trainee IAS Pooja Khedkar. The court allowed Khedkar to approach the appropriate forum. During the hearing, the UPSC informed the court that it would notify Khedkar about the order to permanently cancel her candidature within two days. Justice Jyoti Singh led the bench that issued this order.
Senior advocate Indira Jaisingh, representing Khedkar, highlighted that Khedkar had not yet received the official order canceling her candidature. Jaisingh argued that only a press release was available and demanded its cancellation. She emphasized that Khedkar needed the official order to approach the appropriate tribunal.
Advocate Naresh Kaushik, representing UPSC, explained that the press release was issued because Khedkar’s address was unknown. Khedkar had challenged UPSC’s decision to cancel her candidature in the High Court, naming the institutions involved as parties in her petition.
The court found Pooja Khedkar guilty of violating UPSC rules, leading to the cancellation of her selection. Additionally, authorities have charged and arrested her mother for threatening a farmer. Previously, the Patiala House Court rejected Khedkar’s anticipatory bail and directed UPSC to expand its investigation.
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