Lucknow: On the 50th anniversary of the Emergency, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi said that, while faces in Congress have changed, their character and gestures have not. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath stated, “. After 50 years, the faces in Congress have changed, but the character and gestures remain the same as they were in 1975.”
He said that the then-Congress administration strangled the Indian Constitution. He went on to say that the worst phase of India’s parliamentary democracy occurred precisely 50 years ago, late at night, when the then-Congress administration attempted to fully extinguish democracy by strangling the Constitution. On the night of June 25, 1975, the Congress administration, led by Indira Gandhi, attempted to destroy India’s democracy.”
Also read: Yogi Government Proposes New Law Imposing Life Term And ₹1 Crore Fine For Paper Leaks
The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister criticized the Congress for slowing Parliamentary proceedings. “The way they altered the Preamble and attempted to destroy it. They took away the people’s fundamental rights. They weakened the judiciary’s rights. They preach about democracy, but when they travel overseas, they criticize democracy, raise concerns about the electoral process, and blame the EVM for their losses. Congress vigorously enforced Article 370.” He asked those who are attempting to block the procedures in Parliament if they had ever followed the Constitution.
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