On Monday, Congress MP Manickam Tagore issued a notice in the Lok Sabha, calling for the adjournment of scheduled business to address what he describes as a “matter of urgent importance.”
The issue at hand pertains to multiple instances of paper leaks in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Undergraduates (NEET-UG) and the University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET).
In his notice, MP Tagore emphasized the severity of the situation, highlighting the impact of these leaks on the credibility of the exams and the future of thousands of students.
Tagore stated, “I hereby give notice of my intention to ask for leave to move a motion for the adjournment of the business of the House for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent importance.”
The controversy has stirred widespread concern among political leaders and stakeholders alike.
Earlier, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had urged the government to initiate a debate on the NEET issue and address the anxiety gripping lakhs of students and their families affected by the recent developments.
Meanwhile, the authorities conducted the NEET (UG) 2024 exams on 5 May across 570 cities, including 14 cities abroad, with over 23 lakh medical aspirants appearing for the examinations.
However, allegations of a paper leak questioned the integrity of the process, casting a shadow over the fairness of the results.
Furthermore, officials abruptly cancelled the June cycle of the UGC NET exam, initially conducted on 18 June, the following day due to what they termed “unavoidable circumstances,” further adding to the uncertainty surrounding these crucial examinations.
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