MATHURA: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath arrived in Mathura on Wednesday and commenced the election campaign by visiting Shri Krishna’s birthplace. The CM referenced the traditional Holi song “Holi Khelein Raghuveera” that has been a part of our childhood, emphasizing the significance of the festival. He highlighted the recent celebration of Holi by Lord Ram in Ayodhya after five hundred years of struggle, igniting anticipation for the upcoming festivities in Mathura-Vrindavan.
In his address at the enlightened conference, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed gratitude for the opportunity to visit Mathura repeatedly, recognizing the global significance of Holi celebrations in the city. He recalled the successful organization of the Vaishno Mahakumbh in 2021 and noted the absence of the COVID-19 pandemic during the event, attributing it to the auspiciousness of the occasion. However, he lamented the subsequent spread of the epidemic after the conclusion of the Kumbh.
Furthermore, the Chief Minister highlighted the transformative changes witnessed in India over the past decade, citing the mantra of “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas” coined by Prime Minister Modi in 2014. He emphasized the inclusive nature of government schemes and initiatives, aimed at the holistic development and satisfaction of every citizen. Adityanath credited these efforts for India’s recognition as the ‘New India,’ ensuring the preservation of heritage under Modi’s leadership.
Also Read: UP CM Yogi Adityanath Mourns Passing of Ramakrishna Mission President Swami Smaranananda
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