Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath left for the accident site in Hathras where a stampede incident on Tuesday took place, killing 120 people. Officials informed that Chief Minister is also likely to meet injured persons in hospitals.
CM’s aircraft took off as soon as the rainfall stopped in Lucknow as the city is witnessing heavy rainfall from Tuesday. Yogi will also hold a meeting with top officials to review the situation on ground and the cause behind the horrific incident.
Also Read: CBI Investigation Into Hathras Stampede Incident; CJ Of Allahabad HC Receives Letter
The incident reportedly happened as religious leader “Vishwa Hari Bhole Baba” was addressing his followers in a specially constructed tent in the Sikandra Rau region, situated between the villages of Fhulrai and Mughalghadi.
There are a number of ideas floating around regarding the stampede’s precise cause.
According to reports, the hot and muggy weather at the event made many uncomfortable, which sparked fear and a mad dash for the exits, which is what prompted the stampede.
More than one lakh people had arrived to attend the ceremony, according to a police official on the spot.
There was pandemonium when the satsang came to a finish as some guests hurried to leave while others moved in the opposite direction to touch the baba’s feet and accept his blessings.
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