The BJP has once again targeted the Congress party and Rahul Gandhi through a video message. Rahul has often been referring to ‘Mohabbat Ki Dukan’ in his speeches. Now BJP has retaliated and released the video. The caption of the video reads, “Mohabbat Dil Mein Rehti Hai, Dukan mein nhi; Ye To Kamai Jaati Hai, Kahin Bikti Nhi; Ye To Dil Mein Rehti Hai, Dukaan Mein Nhi” which means ‘Love lives in hearts, it is not sold in the shops’.
Also Read: Scindia Criticizes Former Boss Rahul Gandhi, Says, “Ideology Of Seeing India Divided Is Yours”
At the beginning of the video, PM Modi says, “The people of the country are also saying, this is a loot shop, this is a loot market. There is hatred, there are scams, there is appeasement and the minds are black.” After this, a song plays in the video ‘Tumne Kholi Ek Dukan, Kya Kya Rakhi Hai Saman’. Simultaneously, visuals of Rahul and Sonia are also played. The video strongly hits at the working of the Congress Party. It has tried to hit the party at every possible flaw that it might have.
Let us tell you that during the debate on the no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, PM Modi attacked the opposition. PM Modi referring to the I.N.D.I.A. alliance said, “This is not an I.N.D.I.A alliance. This is an arrogant alliance. Everyone wants to be the bridegroom in their wedding procession. Everyone wants to become the prime minister.” PM Modi tried to cover many issues. PM Modi spoke for a total of 2.13 hours, in which he mentioned Manipur after 1 hour 52 minutes. However, by then the opposition had staged a walkout. After Modi’s speech, voting took place on the motion of no confidence, in which the motion fell by voice vote.
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