Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal came under fire from the BJP on Saturday, referring to him as the “crownless king of corruption who is always on the run” following a dramatic scene at his home during the arrival of a crime branch team to serve him with a notice. His allegation that the saffron party was attempting to kidnap AAP MLAs led to the serving of a notice to join an investigation. BJP spokesperson also stated that the people of Delhi are compelled to call Arvind Kejriwal ‘bhagoda’.
When the Delhi police team, led by an officer at the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), arrived at the chief minister’s residence, they insisted that they would only give Kejriwal the notice because it was in his name. However, the chief minister’s residence officials stated they were prepared to accept the notice and forward it to the crime branch.
Reacting sharply, BJP national spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla said, “It’s a strange situation. People of Delhi are today compelled to call Kejriwal a ‘bhagoda’ (fugitive)”.
The reason for this is that Kejriwal “ran away” after the Enforcement Directorate served him with five summonses for the purported liquor fraud. Poonawalla accused him of failing to appear before the investigating agency and assist with the investigation.
“When the Delhi Police crime branch reaches his doorsteps to serve him notice under CrPC for his cooperation in the investigation into the allegations levelled by him only, then too he runs away,” the BJP leader said in a press conference.
Also Read: Delhi Police Crime Branch Visits Arvind Kejriwal For 2 Days In A Row
“Delhi CM Kejriwal is considered a ‘betaaj badshah’ (crownless king) of corruption who is always on the run when it comes to facing law enforcement and probe agencies. On the run and hit and run: This is Kejriwal’s character and politics. That’s why people of Delhi are saying ‘Bhag Kejriwal Bhag’ (run Kejriwal run),” Poonawalla added.
The BJP leader alleged there is no department left in the Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi where “Kejriwal and company” did not cheat and commit loot, be it excise policy, medicines, education or his “sheesh mahal”, the official residence of the chief minister.
“Fugitive Kejriwal has no faith in the Constitution. He considers himself above the Constitution, law and order as well as probe agencies. That’s why he is called ‘nizam-e-Kejriwal’. That’s why he is on the run,” Poonawalla said.
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