Bharat Express

Bhutan’s Three Remarkable Gestures during PM Modi’s Visit

Bhutan Extends Warm Welcome to PM Modi with Unique Gestures, Including Private Dinner Hosted by King, Strengthening Exceptional India-Bhutan Partnership

Prime Minister Narendra Modi received a warm and heartfelt reception upon his arrival in Bhutan on Friday, with the Bhutanese populace lining the entire 45-kilometer stretch from Paro International Airport to Thimphu. Flags from both India and Bhutan adorned both sides of the route, symbolizing the strong bond between the two nations.

In a touching gesture, Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay welcomed PM Modi with a message written in Hindi “Bhutan mein aapka swagat hai mere bade bhai @narendramodi Ji (Welcome to Bhutan my big brother)”, expressing his warmth and affection.

Later in the day, Bhutanese youths showcased their cultural affinity by donning traditional Indian attire and performing a Garba dance set to a song composed by Prime Minister Modi himself, adding to the warm reception.

The hospitality extended to Prime Minister Modi continued as he was honored with Bhutan’s highest civilian award, the “Order of the Druk Gyalpo,” making him the first foreign leader to receive this prestigious accolade. Furthermore, His Majesty the King of Bhutan hosted a private dinner for PM Modi at the K5 Residence Lingkana Palace, a gesture of honor never before extended to any previous Indian Prime Minister.

India’s Minister of External Affairs, S Jaishankar, congratulated PM Modi on receiving the Order of the Druk Gyalpo, highlighting the significance of this honor in strengthening the bonds of friendship between India and Bhutan. The visit of Bhutan’s Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay to India just before PM Modi’s visit further underscores the close relationship between the two nations.

The Ministry of External Affairs emphasized the unique and enduring partnership between India and Bhutan, rooted in mutual trust, understanding, and goodwill. The visit, in alignment with India’s ‘Neighbourhood First Policy’, provides an opportunity for both sides to discuss bilateral and regional matters of interest and explore avenues for enhancing their partnership for the benefit of their respective peoples.

Overall, Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Bhutan signifies the deep-rooted friendship and mutual respect between the two nations, further strengthening their ties and paving the way for continued cooperation and collaboration in various fields.