Bharat Express

Beware: there is this bank alert about your ATM banking

Beware, net-banking users, this money matter !

There is a banks alert asking customers to be watchful while their net-banking transactions.  The alert warns about the recent mobile banking malware which is targeting around two hundred apps.

As per the alert the malware is becoming a danger capturing the credentials of the users during their transaction through the net-banking apps.

Every time the fake android app is installed on the mobile phone it starts sending or capturing  and access bank accounts the applications installed on the device. This is how it targets the sensitive financial applications.

This unexpected virus attack has been noticed by the banks and they now alert the customers asking them to download apps from the official app stores only.

This is too sensitive for the banks since their credibility is also on stake and on the other hand it is too serious for the users who trust the banking system as well as the net-banking apps.

The new mobile banking malware is using using SOVA Android Trojan and while the users log in net-banking apps and access bank accounts, it immediately captures the credentials.