Former Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan made headlines when he resigned from the Congress and promptly joined the BJP, a move that was officially welcomed by Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis at the Mumbai BJP office. Fadnavis relayed Chavan’s sentiment, stating that the former Congress leader expressed a desire to contribute to Narendra Modi’s development initiatives without seeking any high-ranking position, having already served in significant roles throughout his 38-year political career.
Chavan affirmed his decision, emphasizing his commitment to supporting the development agenda of the central government under Modi’s leadership. Speculation swirled around Chavan’s potential nomination for the Rajya Sabha from the BJP, with some suggesting that time constraints necessitated his swift transition from the Congress to the BJP.
Chavan’s departure ahead of the Lok Sabha elections dealt a significant blow to the Congress, which had already witnessed the defection of influential leaders such as Milind Deora and Baba Siddique to rival parties. While Deora aligned with the Shiv Sena under Eknath Shinde’s leadership, Siddique joined the NCP under Ajit Pawar.
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In response to Chavan’s exit, prominent Mumbai Muslim leader Baba Siddique characterized it as a wake-up call for the Congress. Siddique revealed that Chavan had reached out to him upon resigning from the party, indicating a potential collaboration in the future. Siddique expressed his belief that more defections could follow, highlighting a sense of disillusionment within the Congress ranks. Siddique also criticized the Congress, likening their treatment of him to using “curry leaves” solely for flavor.
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