On Wednesday, a standoff unfolded outside the Delhi Chief Minister’s residence as AAP leaders Saurabh Bharadwaj and Sanjay Singh clashed with Delhi Police, while gathering to refute BJP’s claims labeling the CM’s residence a lavish ‘Sheesh Mahal’ with a swimming pool and golden commode.
The controversy intensified when the AAP leaders were denied entry and subsequently sat on a protest (dharna) outside the bungalow.
BJP Claims ‘Sheesh Mahal,’ But We’re Here With Media To See For Ourselves: Saurabh Bharadwaj
Tensions escalated as Bharadwaj and Singh engaged in heated exchanges with the police personnel.
AAP MLA Saurabh Bharadwaj stated, “BJP used to send new videos and photos every day. Today, we came here with all the media persons. Now, the BJP is running away. A three-layer barricading has been put up. They have also put up water cannons and deployed Additional DCP here. This has been turned into a border so that the media can’t go in. Show us where the swimming pool and bar are. BJP says that the CM’s residence was built for Rs 33 Crores. It is also being said that PM house is being built for Rs 2700 Crores. We will see both the CM residence and PM house. Let the public see both.”
He also questioned the BJP’s reluctance to address the Prime Minister’s residence, which he argued was also built with taxpayer funds, similar to the Delhi CM’s residence.
“During COVID, the CM residence and the PM residence, both were constructed using taxpayers’ money. Both the residences should be shown to everyone through the media. The BJP claimed there is a swimming pool and a bar in the CM residence, let us find it if that’s the case. BJP is backing off now because they think they might have to show the PM’s residence too. We are now going to the CM residence,” said the AAP leader.
Earlier, Sanjay Singh had challenged the BJP to visit the CM’s residence with media representatives to substantiate their claims.
Delhi BJP Slams Kejriwal For ‘Glass Palace’; Calls Him ‘Playboy Of Power’
While the AAP leadership and Delhi Police were in a standoff, the BJP’s Delhi unit shared a video, asserting it showed the residence of the Delhi CM.
Taking to X, Delhi BJP posted, “The dirty secrets of corrupt and useless Kejriwal’s glass palace are now in front of the public. The people of Delhi have recognized this great fraud. The public has understood that this impostor who came as a common man is just a playboy who enjoys the pleasures of power.”
“Kejriwal, who came to power by lying and deceiving, had said on entering politics that he will not take a bungalow, but will live in a two-room house. He had distributed affidavits. The same big fraud built a den of loot called Sheeshmahal as soon as he came to power. That too when Delhi, plagued by a pandemic like Corona, was struggling for every breath,” the post added.
The AAP MLAs are also set to march to the PM’s residence in protest against the BJP’s claims.
Also Read: Delhi Assembly Elections Announced; Voting On 5 February, Results On 8 February
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