Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan met Union Home Minister Amit Shah at a recent event in National Capital. The actor interacted with Amit Shah about Ramayan while attending the conclave. After the Home Minister wrapped his chat at the event, the Baby John actor took center stage.
In the crowd interaction, Bhediya actor stood up to laud Amit Shah. He also discussed the subject of arrogance in connection with Ramayan with him.
Varun Dhawan expressed his gratitude for meeting the leader. “It was an absolute pleasure to meet the honorable Home Minister Amit Shah ji in Delhi”, the actor added.
Meanwhile, the actor also had a curious encounter with Home Minister Amit Shah, when he proposed an intriguing question, “What’s the biggest difference between Ram and Ravan?”. Varun also praised the leader, “People call him Chanakya in politics, but I would like to call him the Hanuman of our country, who serves the nation selflessly.”
Addressing Varun’s question, Amit Shah said, “See, for some people, their interests are determined by their duties (dharma), whether or not they should pursue them. For others, their duties are determined by their self-interests. This is the difference between them.”
“Ram led his life based on his dharma, while Ravan Tried to alter duties to fit his definition and thoughts,” Shah added. With further discussion, Varun then brought up the subject of arrogance.
“You mentioned ahankar. Ravan was arrogant about his knowledge, while Ram was acknowledgeable about arrogance,” the actor added. To which, Shah replied, “This also comes under the definition of dharma.”
The actor shared the pic with Amit Shah on his Instagram handle from the event. The actor was seen standing next to Amit Shah in the photo. Sharing the post, the actor captioned it, “Inke Saamne Toh Hum Sab ‘Baby’ Hai. It was an absolute pleasure to meet the Honorable Home Minister amitshah ji in Delhi.”
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