For the upcoming Nitesh Tiwari film Bawaal, Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor have collaborated for the first time. One of the most eagerly awaited films of the year is it. The first time that Varun and Janhvi will be seen together will be eagerly anticipated by their fans. The film’s producers recently declared that it would hit theatres in October 2023. However, a while back Varun said on social media that Bawaal would be available on OTT in July.
Varun posted the wonderful news along with the first Bawaal Instagram post. The producers decided against a theatrical release and instead went the OTT way. Now, it’ll debut on Prime Video in July. Regarding the poster, Varun and Janhvi seem really precious. Varun chose casual clothing, while Janhvi is wearing an ethnic costume. They appear to be deeply in love. The poster’s tagline is “Every love story has its own Bawaal.”
“Badlega sabke dilon ka haal kyunki duniya bhar mein hone wala hai Bawaal,” wrote Varun as he posted the article. Banega mahaul as #BawaalGoesGlobal in July. #BawaalOnPrime, produced by #SajidNadiadwala and directed by @niteshtiwari22, will make its global debut in more than 200 countries and territories exclusively on @primevideoin. Look at this:
Fans were spotted responding to the announcement shortly after it was revealed. A admirer commented, “CAN’T WAIT TO WATCH.” “@varundvn best of luck!” said another supporter. You’re going to excel. Others were seen sending the emoticons for heart and fire.
In a statement regarding the film, Nitesh Tiwari said, “Bawaal has a gripping storyline, spectacular visuals, and simply fantastic chemistry between main performers Varun and Janhvi. It was shot across three Indian sites and five European countries. I think that Prime Video’s global premiere of Bawaal will help us introduce the film to people in India and abroad. We have worked incredibly hard and with great dedication to show this movie to our audiences, and we can’t wait to hear what they think.
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