In November 2022, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, who wed in April 2022, welcomed a gorgeous baby girl into the world. She was given the name Raha Kapoor by the couple, and she appears to be the centre of their attention right now.
As parents, they’re quite protective of her, and fans love seeing Ranbir being such a devoted father. When he just can’t stop gushing about his daughter and his newfound fatherhood, his followers adore seeing that side of him.
At a recent appearance on his cousin Kareena Kapoor Khan’s talk show, “What Women Want,” Ranbir discussed Raha, Alia, and his early fatherhood experiences. When asked how he would grade himself on a scale of 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest, the father gave himself the perfect score of 7. He was interviewed regarding his experience in the delivery room as well as how it felt to hold his daughter for the first time.
Ranbir said, “I got the opportunity to hold her the moment she was born after her umbilical cord was cut and that moment will be etched in the core memory of my life. It was also a very lovely moment for me to see her and Alia together for the first time as Alia hugged her close to her neck and chest.
The actor went on to say that he spent a week seeing Alia in the hospital. “In the delivery room, I did a great job. Prior to her delivery, I took a break from work for two to three months and spent a week in the hospital.
Kareena reacted to that and said, “I would say you’re a lovely husband, Saif wouldn’t stay one night with me in the hospital.” Ranbir laughed, “I don’t think Alia would say that but I consider myself a good husband.”
Ranbir also shared his feelings after knowing about Alia’s pregnancy. He said, “That was wonderful. Other than excitement, there was nothing else.” Ranbir also mentioned how many nights they couldn’t sleep. “We have a lot of help, but for the first two months at least, we had a lot of sleepless nights because when you have the excitement of having your first kid and she is lying between us in bed, you’re attentive even with just a tiny bit of movement,” confessed Ranbir.
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