Recently, Deepika Padukone received recognition for her noteworthy performance in the Shah Rukh Khan film Jawan. The actress is currently working on Singham Again, a movie set in Rohit Shetty’s cop universe. Just a few weeks prior, the filmmaker had announced the start of the movie’s production. Deepika’s long-awaited first appearance in the film, in which she plays the tough officer Shakti Shetty, has now been made public. Ranveer Singh, Deepika’s husband, who will also participate in the police procedural, commented on the poster.
Deepika Padukone revealed two exquisite photos of her look from the movie Singham Again on her Instagram on Sunday, October 15. She can be seen holding the bad man with one hand and aiming a gun at his lips while wearing a police outfit. In the background are police cars and other enemies strewn everywhere, and beyond Deepika is a burning building. Her hand is bound in bandages in the second image, which also shows a wound on her forehead. Despite the dramatic sequences, Deepika can be seen grinning widely, giving her persona a terrifying yet alluring touch. Introducing…Shakti Shetty! #SinghamAgain, she said in the caption.
Look at this:
Ranveer Singh, Deepika’s husband, expressed his enthusiasm and gratitude by writing, “AAG LAGA DEGI (fire emojis).”
Additionally, he published an Instagram picture with the remark, “AALI RE AALI…DEAR LADY SINGHAM AALI! SHAKTI SHETTY has arrived in the Cop-verse!!!!! @itsrohitshetty and @deepikapadukone.
Deepika Padukone was welcomed to the film by Ajay Devgn, who portrays the lead hero in Singham Again, by posting a photo of her first appearance. He wrote, “Welcome to my squad, @deepikapadukone.” In response, Deepika used the salute emoji.
Deepika’s appearance was also shared by the director, Rohit Shetty, along with the stirring message, “NAARI SITA KA BHI ROOP HAI AUR DURGA KA BHI… MEET THE MOST VIOLENT AND BRUTAL COPS IN OUR COPS UNIVERSE… MY LADY SINGHAM… SHAKTI SHETTY… I am DEEPIKA PADUKONE.
Singham includes Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh, Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone, and others once more.
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