Shah Rukh Khan is extremely moved by the warm reception that his most recent film, Jawan, has received from people all around the world. Since its release, the movie has performed remarkably well at the box office, experiencing unprecedented success. A post-release screening of Jawan was held today at the YRF Studios in Mumbai in recognition of the enormous success of the movie. Shah Rukh Khan, Atlee, Deepika Padukone, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Ridhi Dogra, and the whole cast and crew of the movie were present at the occasion. SRK disclosed Atlee’s response to each shot he thought was “cool” throughout the event.
Shah Rukh Khan stated of Atlee, “He is mass and I am class,” during the Jawan post-release meet held today at the YRF Studios in Mumbai. He also revealed that the director used to tell him, “No, this is mass and not class,” for all the pictures he thought were “cool shots.” Every time he believed he had executed a really cool shot, Atlee sir would correct him, saying, “No, this is mass and not class.”
The famous person continued, “Everything I’ve done in the movie is thanks to the team’s devotion. We feel weird because I get hesitant, and so do actors. I merely wanted to please him and provide him with joy. Every actor has a responsibility to make their director happy, regardless of the role they play, as everyone will view and judge them through his eyes. I’m glad I was able to make Atlee happy.
A lot has been said about Jawan, but for us, Jawan is a feeling that every Indian experiences, Shah Rukh Khan stated in a lengthy statement he gave during the ceremony. A feeling is a jawan. You must understand that Jawan, an Indian soldier who is also a mother, a girl, and a vigilante, is frequently quite frail, just like the rest of us. Jawan makes a lot of mistakes, but he also makes a lot of very good decisions. Jawan will occasionally live in complete darkness, while other times he will be the source of light. Every upright Indian is a Jawan. In all honesty, Jawan represents goodness and love.
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