Rashmika Mandanna has finally responded to the trolling she received for her Kantara statements. The actress was chastised a few weeks ago after admitting she had not yet seen Rishab Shetty’s blockbuster film. Rashmika explained to the press in Bengaluru that she was asked if she had seen Kantara two to three days after it was released and that she had not had the opportunity to do so at the time.
She has, however, watched the film and texted the Kantara team. She also stated that they responded to her. “I was asked if I saw the film 2-3 days after it came out. I couldn’t at the time. I’ve already watched it and messaged the team. They also expressed gratitude for the message. The outside world has no idea what is going on inside. “We can’t film our private lives and show them,” she said, as translated by Hindustan Times.
Rashmika also stated that her personal life is irrelevant to her. She is interested in their perspectives on her professional projects. She also responded to reports that she has been banned from the Kannada film industry, saying, “So far, no producer has banned me.”
Rishab and Rashmika’s feud began to circulate last month after they spoke about each other without using each other’s names. Rashmika was speaking with Curly Tales about her journey into acting when she mentioned receiving a call from a production house and mistaking it for a prank call. She also discussed the process of landing the role in her debut film. However, astute viewers noticed that the actress air-quoted the production company but did not name it. And the production company was Paramvah Studios, which was co-founded by Rishab Shetty’s friend Rakshit Shetty.
Rishab appeared to be taking a dig at Rashmika last month in what appeared to be his reaction to it, using the same air-quotes style. In an interview with Gulte.com, Rishab was asked who he’d like to work with in his next project out of Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Rashmika Mandanna, Keerthy Suresh, and Sai Pallavi. “I don’t like such (makes the sign of air quotes) types of actors,” Harikathe Alla Girikathe actor said. But I really like the work of Sai Pallavi ji and Samantha ji.”
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