Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor and his entire Kapoor family, recently, met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday. The family planned a meeting with PM to invite him to the Raj Kapoor Film Festival, which celebrates the actor’s 100th birth anniversary. The Film Festival will begin on December 13.
Meanwhile, the video of the meeting, which featured Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and other Kapoor family members surfaced online. In the video, the family was seen interacting with the Prime Minister.
In the viral video, the Animal actor shared that while the whole family was nervous about meeting the PM, the latter’s warm and generous conduct put them at ease.
“We enjoyed speaking to him. We could ask him a lot of personal questions. He talked to us in a very friendly manner. Hum sab ki hawa tight this, we were very nervous but he made us feel very comfortable, and I thank him”, he added.
During the interaction, PM Modi assured the Kapoor family members that they could address him as per their choices. He asked them to consider him a member of their family. “It was my dream to sit next to PM Modi and talk to him. His energy is so positive and he is truly a global leader, ” Kareena Kapoor Khan said.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also spoke about Raj Kapoor’s role in establishing Indian cinema’s global influence long before the term “soft power” became popular. “In 1947, we had ‘Neel Kamal,’ and now as we approach 2047, it reflects the immense contribution of such a vast nation. Today, there is much talk about soft power in diplomacy, but back then, Raj Kapoor had already showcased India’s strength in this area to the world,” he added.
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