Parineeti Chopra has allegedly arrived in Delhi to begin her wedding festivities with fiance Raghav Chadha. The Aam Aadmi Party leader arrived at the Delhi airport to greet her, and the two were even seen twinning in blue shirts. They will attend an ardaas celebration in Delhi on Sunday, which will kick off their week-long pre-wedding festivities before their wedding on September 24 in Udaipur.
Parineeti was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Sunday afternoon, arriving for her trip to Delhi. She was dressed in black headgear with the word R stitched on it. She was pictured at the Delhi airport hours later, with Raghav Chadha accompanying her.
According to a source, “the wedding festivities are set to begin in Delhi on September 17 with ardaas and shabad kirtan, followed by some intimate get-togethers for close family members.” Following that, the entire family, including the bride and groom, will go to Udaipur for the grand wedding.”
Parineeti and Raghav’s wedding card was just leaked online. The pair will enjoy a ‘Pearl White Indian Wedding’ during the day on September 24 at The Leela Palace in Udaipur, according to the invitation. It will be followed by a celebration with the theme “A Night of Amore” at The Leela Palace’s Courtyard. The Leela Palace will host a welcome lunch and a ’90’s Edition’ party the day before.
Parineeti and Raghav got engaged a few months ago. Parineeti’s cousin and actor Priyanka Chopra had flown to India for a day to attend the function and perform the rituals as an elder sister. She is expected to be a part of the wedding celebration. The engagement also had several politicians, like Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, who are expected to take part in the wedding reception in Delhi.
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