In response to Amitabh Bachchan’s post on his visit to the Parvati Kund and Jageshwar Temples, Prime Minister Narendra Modi answered today. He also extended an invitation for the actor to go to Rann Utsav in Kutch. The visit by Mr. Bachchan to the Vadodara Statue of Unity is also overdue, PM Modi continued.
On Saturday, Mr. Bachchan posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, “T 4799: The religiosity, the mystery, the divinity of Kailash Parbat, has been intriguing me for long.” He did, however, add that he would never be able to go there. On the platform, he remarked, “And the tragedy is that I’ll never be able to go there in person.
The prime minister responded by saying, “My visit to the Parvati Kund and Jageshwar Temples was very mesmerizing. I strongly advise you to travel to Kutch since Rann Utsav will begin in the upcoming weeks. You should also pay a visit to the Statue of Unity.
On October 12, PM Modi saw the Adi Kailash while praying at the Gauri Kund, a sacred Hindu location, in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand. He got a peek at the Adi Kailash peak, thought to be the home of Shiva, to start his daylong journey to the border state. He was dressed traditionally, with a white turban and an upper body robe called a “ranga.”
Additionally, he performed aarti at the Shiva Parvati temple near Parvati Kund in Jolingkong and folded his hands in prayer in front of Adi Kailash. After that, he traveled with Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami to Gunji village, where he spoke with the residents and attended an exhibition featuring local artifacts.
While “Big B” recently turned 81, the opposite is true. He greeted his fans and supporters on Instagram and posted a collage that included a photo from his Wednesday night meet and greet. The caption read, “This love and affection is beyond any effort to repay it. Blessed and filled with unending gratitude.”
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