Malaika Arora recently gave her fans a peek into her first working day of 2025, sharing an intimate moment from her makeup room on Instagram. On Sunday, the actress posted a photo of herself clicking a mirror selfie while her hair and makeup team worked nearby. Sitting on a chair with a no-makeup look, Malaika appeared calm and ready for her transformation as she prepared to start her workday.
In the caption, she simply wrote, “1st working day of 2025,” marking the beginning of a new year full of opportunities.
Malaika Reflects On Personal Growth In 2024
Earlier this week, Malaika also shared a video on social media of herself getting ready for the New Year, highlighting her glamorous transformation as her team worked their magic. The clip reflected her enthusiasm to start the year with style and confidence.
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As the year ended, Malaika took to social media to reflect on her personal growth and the lessons she learned in 2024. She acknowledged that the year brought its share of challenges, but it also offered important insights into trusting herself more. In one post, she agreed with a message that described 2024 as a year of self-discovery and empowerment, urging her to lean into her own strength and instincts.
A Year Of Challenges And Self-Discovery
Malaika shared her thoughts with her followers through a heartfelt note, expressing both gratitude and resilience. The note, which she reshared on Instagram, came shortly after she responded to a public comment from her ex-partner, Arjun Kapoor, about being “single.” She wrote:
“I don’t hate you, 2024, but you were a difficult year, full of challenges, changes, and learning. You showed me that life can change in the blink of an eye and taught me to trust myself more. But, above all, you made me understand that my health—whether physical, emotional, or mental—is what really matters. There are things I still can’t understand, but I believe that with time, I will understand the reasons and purposes of everything that happened.”
A Year Of Personal Loss And Change
2024 was a transformative year for Malaika, marked by significant changes in both her personal and professional life. She experienced the heartbreaking loss of her father, Anil Arora, and also faced the end of her seven-year relationship with actor Arjun Kapoor. Despite the hardships, Malaika’s reflections indicate her growth and commitment to embracing her journey with strength and resilience as she enters 2025.
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