With the release of the recent hit Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, veteran Bollywood director Karan Johar made a triumphant return to the industry. Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt, two great performers, play the key parts in the love drama, which debuted in theatres in July of this year. Even the actors and crew of the movie Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani were taken aback by its outstanding box office performance; a success of this magnitude was not anticipated. The Indian Express recently had an interview with filmmaker Karan Johar, and he discussed why he felt this success was so crucial.
Host Shubra Gupta questioned director Karan Johar about his feelings when the Alia Bhatt-Ranveer Singh pairing performed so well. The reality is that I’m a little overloaded. It’s not that I didn’t have high hopes for it. However, I believe that the atmosphere in our industry was rather unstable at the time, and it has been seven years since I last released a movie I directed. Additionally, the past three years have not been kind to me or the business. There was a great deal of discontent. And all that stress kind of built up a ball of stress inside of me that I hadn’t dealt with, admitted Karan Johar.
“I had swept a lot under the rug because I wanted to come out strong, both to my family and to my employer. With the anxiety and panic attacks, everything came to light the week before the movie’s premiere. The filmmaker remembered, “There was no sleep, only pure anxiousness.
“At the moment, I still have some of that in me when people chat to me about the movie. It will be some time before I can stop thinking about this movie. I didn’t recognise how difficult it was for me because of it. Although I believe that failing is an important part of everyone’s journey, this time I felt I couldn’t afford to. At some point, this movie had to seem like a make-or-break endeavor for me, continued Karan Johar.
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The titular characters, Rocky Randhawa and Rani Chatterjee, a Punjabi youth and Bengali girl who fall in love, are played by Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt in the romantic drama. Veteran actors Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, and Jaya Bachchan play the main roles in Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. The other supporting actors included Tota Roy Chowdhury, Churni Ganguly, Aamir Bashir, Kshitee Jog, Anjali Anand, Abhinav Sharma, and others. Viacom18 Studios and Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions are also contributing financial support to the endeavour.
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