On June 29, the movie Satyaprem Ki Katha, starring Kiara Advani and Kartik Aaryan, was released in theatres. The crowd has been responding favorably to the movie. The movie, which was directed by Sameer Vidhwans, also features Supriya Pathak and Gajraj Rao in significant parts. Following the enormous success of Bhul Bhulaya 2, Kartik and Kiara got back together. In light of these wonderful developments, on July 2, the most adored on-screen couple stopped by a Bandra theatre to surprise moviegoers seeing Satyaprem Ki Katha. Your heart will melt watching the responses from both sides.
In a previous video that they posted together, Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani can be seen entering a theatre at the Jio World Drive mall in Bandra. They shocked the Satyaprem Ki Katha audience while they saw the movie. Just after the movie concluded, the on-screen couple walked inside the theatre. The audience was thrilled to see Sattu and Katha in person and cheered them on. They extended a rousing standing ovation to Kartik and Kiara.
Kartik and Kiara, on the other hand, folded their hands and thanked them. “When the audience gives you a standing ovation, that’s when you realize magic has been created,” stated Kiara while sharing the video. A moment to always treasure…All I have to say is “Thank You” on behalf of the #SatyapremKiKatha team.
“This Standing Ovation isn’t just for Sattu and Katha but for the entire team that worked tirelessly towards this result,” wrote Kartik beside the same video.Gratitude.”.
Fans responded quickly to the video as soon as Kiara and Kartik released it. A theatergoer who had met the actors in person shared their encounter. “I was there for a moment, I thought it was a prank, but It was all real in my dreams,” the comment said. A different person commented, “You guys deserve this ovation.” Another fan commented, “Seriously, the movie is so nice.” Some people used a red heart emoji.
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