Gadar 2, the sequel to the acclaimed 2001 film Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, which starred Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel in the key roles, has arrived in theatres and is presently garnering substantial attention thanks to its exceptional box office performance. The character of Jeetey, the son of Tara Singh and Sakina, who are now adults, is played by Utkarsh Sharma in a prominent role. The film’s main plot is around Tara Singh’s tenacious attempts to rescue his son Charanjeet from the Pakistani army’s grasp when he is captured by them. It is set against the backdrop of the ‘Crush India’ programme in 1971. Gadar 2 also has the well-known songs Udd Jaa Kaale Kaava and Main Nikla Gaddi Leke from the 2001 original. The movie has now made more than Rs 200 crore.
The ‘Gadar 2’ movie starring Sunny Deol is still riding a wave of popularity. The movie, which also stars Ameesha Patel in the lead role, not only had its best single-day revenue on August 15, 2023, but it also reached the Rs 200 crore mark. This is a significant accomplishment for a movie. Gadar 2 will undoubtedly be close to reaching the Rs 250 crore milestone in the near future if the current rate continues. In a flight with the Gadar 2 team, Sunny Deol celebrated the film’s double centenary, and the group was spotted grinning, whistling and clapping enthusiastically.
Sunny recently spoke at a press conference in Mumbai about the moment they realised the movie had to be created and whether there had ever been any second thoughts given how the public had changed since the first movie’s release. “Aise nahi sochte,” said Sunny. When you say, “Jab humne taye kar liya ki karna hai,” you mean it. 22 Saal Tak Field Khaali Thi, Koi Aisi Film Nahi Bana Raha Th. “Humne aaya aur apna kaam kiya” (I don’t think in this way. We had to make the film once we had made the decision to go ahead. For 22 years, no one was producing these films, and the pitch was empty. We came and completed our task.
He also admitted that when he first heard the script, he was apprehensive since it appeared difficult to match the quality of the original movie “Gadar.” But gradually, after hearing the tale, he fell in love.
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