In a cinematic triumph, Shah Rukh Khan’s latest venture, ‘Dunki,’ co-created with acclaimed director Rajkumari Hirani, continues to captivate audiences and dominate both hearts and box office records. On its fourth day in theatres, the film centred around a group of friends pursuing their dreams abroad, amassed a staggering ₹31.50 crores across all languages, propelling its domestic total to an impressive ₹106.43 crore.
Globally, ‘Dunki’ has proven its universal appeal, securing a whopping ₹157.22 crore at the box office. Red Chillies Entertainment, the co-producer of the film, joyfully shared the news on Instagram, expressing gratitude for the growing love for ‘Dunki.’
Shah Rukh Khan, in a recent conversation, shed light on embracing “age-centric roles” in the film, asserting the importance of being “age-honest.” At 58, the superstar shared, “I feel that I should take age-centric roles. In ‘Dunki,’ I would say I have been age-honest for the first time. It’s more close to my age.” Reflecting on his character in the film, SRK emphasized the realism in ‘Dunki,’ distinguishing it from previous portrayals of older characters in more commercial settings.
Film critic Saibal Chatterjee praised ‘Dunki’ with 3.5 stars, lauding the cast’s flawless performances. He noted, “Dunki is buoyed by an array of flawless performances, with the lead actor and Taapsee Pannu leading the way through the ups and downs triggered by the characters’ repeated leaps of faith across unknown terrains and into an equally alien land.”
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As ‘Dunki’ continues its triumphant journey, it not only dominates the box office but also resonates with audiences for its authenticity, compelling storytelling, and the stellar performances of its cast. Shah Rukh Khan’s commitment to age-centric roles adds another layer of depth to the film, earning it praise and acclaim in the competitive world of cinema.
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