Although Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha kept their identities a secret, they have emerged as one of the hottest and most talked-about Bollywood jodis. The rumored lovebirds have agreed to marry, and their engagement ceremony will take place in Delhi tomorrow, May 13, according to reports. The do’s menu has been revealed in a new report.
According to a report, the menu will include Indian dishes as well as delectable kebabs for the guests. If the guests do not wish to consume those dishes, vegan alternatives will also be provided.
The actress’s siblings, Sahaj and Shivang, are taking care of the arrangements for the commitment function. According to sources, her brother Sahaj, who is an entrepreneur who is involved in the food business, has assumed responsibility for the do’s food and cuisine arrangements.
Also read: Priyanka Chopra Reaches Delhi For Parineeti Chopra And Raghav Chadha’s Engagement
Priyanka Chopra, Parineeti’s cousin, will also be in Delhi for the engagement. There will be a lot of big names from the Hindi film industry and politicians there. Sahaj and Shivang, Parineeti’s brothers, are said to be in charge of the menu for food. Sahaj, which is in the food business, will offer vegan and kebab-style dishes inspired by Indian cuisine to customers who choose them.
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