Viral images from the wedding of actor Arbaaz Khan and makeup artist Shura Khan have now been accompanied by a heartwarming video featuring Arbaaz’s son, Arhaan Khan. In the clip, Arhaan showcases his guitar skills while his proud father records the performance on his phone. Shared on social media by Arbaaz’s brother-in-law, Atul Agnihotri, the video is captioned ‘I Love You Papa.’ Arbaaz, who was previously married to Malaika Arora for 19 years, continues to co-parent Arhaan, currently pursuing higher studies abroad.
The celebration was further documented in a set of joyous family photos posted by Arbaaz Khan, including moments with his superstar brother Salman Khan. The actor expressed, ‘A happy family is but an earlier heaven.’
Arbaaz Khan and Shura Khan officially announced their union on Instagram, sharing a heartfelt post that read, ‘In the presence of our loved ones, me and mine begin a lifetime of love and togetherness from this day on! Need all your blessings and good wishes on our special day.’
Known for his roles in the Dabangg film series and productions like Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya and Shootout at Lokhandwala, Arbaaz Khan is not only an actor but also a film producer. Additionally, he hosts the popular chat show ‘The Invincibles.'”
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