Veteran actor Anil Kapoor, who is currently working on his next movie, Fighter, took to social media a while ago to take a trip down memory lane in honor of the 30th anniversary of his film Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja. The film starred Anil, Sridevi, Jackie Shroff, and Anupam Kher in important roles. It was directed by Satish Kaushik. Anil reflected on his dear friend Satish, who passed away in March of this year and shared throwback memories from the film’s production.
The actor posted numerous pictures of Sridevi, Satish, Boney Kapoor, and other celebrities. Anil wrote about the movie with pictures and talked about how Satish made the movie with “all heart” despite the fact that it didn’t do well at the box office. “A film that might not have done well at the box office but was made with all the heart… directed by my friend Satish… 30 years ago… the songs and the train robbery were brilliantly shot by my friend… I believe every project is a learning experience and a treasured one! #,” he wrote. 30yearsofRoopKiRaniChoronKaRaja.”
Fans were seen reacting to the images shortly after he shared them. “One of my childhood favorites,” a fan said. “Had no idea it didn’t do well at the box office,” wrote another fan. I and my family enjoy that movie!”
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Meanwhile, on Satish’s birthday, Anupam recently held a musical event, at which a number of famous people attended to pay tribute to the late actor and director. Shabana Azmi said at the event that Satish wanted to “die” because Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja didn’t do well at the box office. She stated, “He was a dukhi aatma after the film (Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja) failed, and he had this feeling that “now I should die.” There was a party going on when he looked down from the first floor because he was thinking of ways to kill himself. He observed brinjals and potatoes being fried. As a result, he thought to himself, “Yaar main aloo baigan ke beech mein, agar kud ke marr jaunga toh yeh kharab death hogi.”
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