Alia Bhatt’s production company, Eternal Sunshine Productions, established in 2021, has embarked on its latest venture, “Poachers,” a gripping series shedding light on wildlife crime in India. The company, known for its diverse projects, has previously delivered hits like “Darlings” and “Jigra,” both featuring Alia Bhatt in leading roles. However, “Poachers” diverges from this pattern, marking a bold step into socially relevant storytelling.
In an exclusive interview, Alia Bhatt shared insights into her selection process, emphasizing the importance of fit for each role. She articulated, “Do you fit the part? That’s the most important question. I don’t think I fit every part, you know, so sometimes…and I’m working on a lot of stuff right now, which I’m not acting in.” Her approach reflects a nuanced consideration of character dynamics and the broader narrative canvas.
Directed by Richie Mehta, renowned for his Emmy-winning work on “Delhi Crime” Season 1, “Poachers” is a project close to his heart. Mehta stumbled upon the concept when soliciting videos nationwide, a request that unearthed footage on ivory trade raids. While the initial project didn’t incorporate this footage, Mehta found himself drawn back to the subject, envisioning a comprehensive series.
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The series, backed by Oscar-winning production company QC Entertainment, sees Alia Bhatt taking on the role of Executive Producer. The trailer offers a poignant glimpse into the grim reality of elephant poaching, highlighting the tireless efforts of wildlife crime fighters in India.
Speaking to ANI, Richie Mehta delved into the series’ thematic depth, stating, “It is about wildlife crime fighters in India, a story about people fighting for our future. Young people are motivated to do everything they can in their power and more to save what they believe is the planet.”
“Poachers” promises to be a compelling narrative inspired by real events, portraying the resilience of individuals determined to safeguard the ecosystem amidst daunting challenges.
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