It was Alia Bhatt’s first fashion show as Gucci’s brand ambassador when she attended the Resort 2024 runway show in Seoul recently. For the occasion, Alia wore a 1960s-feeling dark dress with a cutting-edge cosmetics look. In a new ‘prepare with me’ video, Alia talked about her most memorable time sitting in the first column at a Gucci show, or any style show so far as that is concerned, and furthermore shared a brief look at her very first outing to ‘energizing’ Seoul.
The opening scene of the behind-the-scenes video showed Alia talking to someone in her hotel room while wearing a white robe. She said, “How would you make a proper acquaintance (in Korean)?” The actor then said, “Annyeonghaseyo (hello)” while folding her hands. She likewise said ‘annyeong (bye)’ as she rehearsed Korean.
Alia then, at that point, welcomed fans in the video shared by Vogue magazine on Instagram, saying, “Annyeonghaseyo Vogue, if it’s not too much trouble, come in.” She stated, “So we are in Seoul, Korea,” before the actor began getting her hair and makeup done for the Gucci show. Korea has never been on my bucket list. I’ve been gazing at the city’s electrifying energy ever since I arrived. Just take a look at this view. It’s a great deal of fun. Go ahead and get ready.
“Today’s dress is very fun,” Alia said of her outfit for the fashion show. But it’s also timeless. It has a feel similar to the shift in the 1960s. Therefore, we are also attempting to have some fun with our hair and makeup. For cosmetics, I need to have a go at a novel, new thing without precedent in my life: solid eyes. I rarely use a liner, but her Korean makeup artist has assured me that my eyes will appear large. This is my most memorable time showing up for Gucci; it is my most memorable time going to a design show; it will be dynamite; I can simply feel it; my hair has been the longest it has at any point been, and I have for practically forever needed to do a long braid, and with this dress and the design, everything simply adjusts well overall.”
After she prepared and as she was advancing towards the design show setting, the notable Gyeongbokgung Castle, Alia said her ‘tension level is at its peak during traffic’. She was seen saying hello to a lot of people at the event, including Hollywood actor Dakota Johnson, who told Alia, “Pleased to meet you.” What’s going on?” At the venue, Alia was then seen posing for photographers.
On May 17, Alia shared a lot of pictures on Instagram from the Gucci show in Seoul. After the event had ended, she also posted a picture of herself eating pizza.
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