In 2018, the film ‘Raazi’ starring Alia Bhatt was released, which was based on Harinder Sikka’s book ‘Calling Sehmat.’ Recently, Harinder Sikka has accused the makers of the film of distorting the story to promote left-wing ideology and portraying Pakistan in a positive light, despite his book containing patriotic references to the Indian flag and national anthem. In response, Paresh Rawal posted a reaction saying, ‘Shame Shame!’ Harinder Sikka also claimed that in ‘Raazi,’ there was no depiction of the Indian flag or the national anthem, and it was portrayed with a leftist approach. He asked, “Where did the pain occur?”
During a recent event, Harinder Sikka stated, “The makers of the film ‘Raazi’ distorted my novel ‘Calling Sehmat’ in a left-wing manner. In my novel, there were patriotic references to the Indian flag and national anthem, but when the film was made, instead of showing that, they portrayed Pakistan positively.”
Paresh Rawal responded to this by reposting the video of Harinder Sikka’s statement and writing, ‘Shame Shame!’ Harinder Sikka also mentioned a significant incident during the making of ‘Raazi’ where he claims that when the flag salute was supposed to happen, it was replaced with a scene where the band was playing the national anthem, but it was cut off. He expressed his disappointment with the leftist approach taken in the film.
Harinder Sikka also shared that it took him eight years to write ‘Calling Sehmat.’ He joined the Navy in 1979 and later joined the Piramal Group after retiring in 1993. He felt the need to write ‘Calling Sehmat’ during the Kargil war, and that’s when the journey of the book began. ‘Raazi’ was adapted from his book during that time.
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