Bharat Express

Palmistry: These lines In Your Hand May Make You Beggar!

There are a few lines and combinations that drag you towards poverty, you spend more than you have and substantially become poorer and sometimes a beggar.

Many don’t believe in Astrology as a branch of Science that deals with stars and planets but those who do, definitely know how relatable it is to our lives, the way we think, the profession we choose, and the kind of life we live. They reveal your secrets and give details about you ranging from past to future.

The main lines in your palm include the heart line, fate line, and destiny line. Every corner of your palm says something about you.

Also read: Are You a Spendthrift Or Miser? These Lines In Your Palm Make You Wealthy

There are a few lines and combinations that drag you towards poverty, you spend more than you have and substantially become poorer. The following combinations are detected in the hands of beggars:

Most of the planetary mounts i.e. mounts just below the fingers are low and depressed. The plain of Mars in the middle of the palm is also very low. If touched we feel the nerves of the palm. This represents debts, litigations, and obstacles in life.

The back of the hand is coarse and the fingers are short and crude representing undefined thoughts and actions. Such people are poor at decision-making and usually confused and cluttered in their minds.

The fate line is usually absent, even if present, it is shallow, unclear, light, and cut by multiple horizontal lines. It represents financial losses and lack of earnings.