Bharat Express

Seva: Sikhism’s Philanthropic Reach In Times Of Crisis

Philanthropy is supported by Sikhism, with the central idea of ‘seva’ being that it purifies the soul and fosters humility and a feeling of community.

While it is true that all religions encourage service to others, Sikhism places a strong emphasis on the idea of “seva.” ‘Seva’ (selfless service) and ‘Simran’ are requirements to be followed by a Sikh religiously, reported Khalsa Vox.
According to Guru Nanak Devji, the purest kind of ‘seva’ is one that is performed without any thought of profit and with the aim of doing good to others.

Philanthropy is supported by Sikhism, with the central idea of ‘seva’ being that it purifies the soul and fosters humility and a feeling of community. This idea gave rise to “Langars,” or free communal kitchens, which are present in Gurudwaras all throughout the world. “Langars” offer free vegetarian food to everyone irrespective of their caste, creed, gender, or social status.
Sikhs offer their services as volunteers for a variety of tasks. The ‘Sevadars’, or volunteers, generously prepare, serve, and even clean up after the ‘Langar’, encouraging a culture of cooperation and service, as per a report published in Khalsa Vox.

A prime example of this is the soup kitchen at The Golden Temple in Amritsar. The Golden Temple Langar, which is the largest communal kitchen, feeds almost one lakh people each day. There is never a set lunchtime here; guests are always served. And plenty is always available for everyone. According to a legend the ‘Langar’ never stops, therefore no one goes to bed hungry in the holy city!
Another similar “Langar” is offered in the New Delhi Gurudwara Bangla Sahib. This temple reportedly serves meals to between 50 and 75 thousand visitors each day. It begins at 5 AM and lasts till the early morning hours. Everyone is welcome to volunteer for the “seva”.

These “Langars” provide not only healthful, and nutritious but also finger-licking fantastic meals. These meals are prepared by armies of people, and the teamwork is clearly evident. The kitchens are spotless because great efforts are made to keep them that way. To provide for others, people toil nonstop around the clock. And in exchange for their unselfish service, what do they receive? Blessings and spiritual satisfaction!
Humanitarian help and disaster management are also included in the definition of “seva” as practised by Sikhs, according to Khalsa Vox.

In need during natural catastrophes like earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes, volunteers from the Sikh community usually come to the rescue by giving food, drink, medical care, and shelter to people. The religious beliefs of this group, which emphasize the intrinsic dignity of every person, serve as the foundation for their dedication to helping the community. In response to the regular draughts seen in this area, Water Africa was an endeavour to supply safe, clean drinkable water in African settlements. Their teams have been relentlessly supplying more than a million migrants and refugees who entered Europe in 2015 with essential supplies.
Sikhs view health and education as fundamental human rights. Instead of holding to this notion, they actively participate in these realms.

Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal, an environmentalist who formed the Nanhi Chhaan Foundation, has a broad range of charitable interests, although their main focus is education. By hosting health fairs and supporting hospitals and medical institutions, they also assist healthcare initiatives.
Sikhs also take part in community development initiatives in order to solve long-term issues and improve the group of underprivileged communities, according to Khalsa Vox.

Construction of homes, schools, and community centres, the delivery of vocational training, and the emancipation of women through skill-development projects are some of these activities.
For instance, The Sikh Helpline (located in the UK) offers advice and support to those dealing with problems ranging from drug misuse to domestic abuse in order to overcome obstacles and better their lives.

Around the world, there are several Sikh organizations committed to charitable causes. Their achievements, which are in line with Sikhism’s principles and teachings, considerably benefit humanity on a worldwide basis. Their dedication to ‘seva’ serves as an example for others from all backgrounds, encouraging a more accepting and kind world, Khalsa Vox reported.

(Source – ANI)