Bharat Express

Now it’s Taliban Vs Pakistan: Terror fighting the terror factory

The radicals prove to be heavier over the Jihadis. The lethal radicalism of the rulers of Afghanistan appears fatal for the jihadis of Pakistan..

What goes around, comes around !

What goes around, comes around !

The scene of destruction of Pakistan is being shown through pics in the print media around the world. The Taliban which was nurtured by Pakistan and established it a canker of terrorism in the world, the same Tehreek Taliban is now selectively killing the Pakistani army with its guns.

There is chaos in the Chitral area of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa due to the echo of bullets as thousands of fighters of Tehreek-e-Taliban launched a back-breaking attack on the Pakistani army, which Pakistan would not have even thought about.

One can hear just the sound of bullets..all around..and people running to save their lives amidst the echo of bullets..This is the picture of new Pakistan.

The TTP has declared war against Pakistan. In this episode of mutual killing at the Torkham border terminal adjacent to Afghanistan, this is what is being seen now a days. There was a fierce firing between Pak Army and TTP fighters yesterday.. and 4 Pakistani soldiers died in the firing.. while Taliban captured more than 90 Pakistani soldiers.

A video of this attack-killing is becoming viral on social media as well.. However, Pakistan has denied that its soldiers were taken prisoner by the Talibans.

It is being claimed that Tehreek-e-Taliban has captured a large part of the northern region of Pakistan. The TTP has also captured two army check posts along with many villages of Pakistan..and TTP has also snatched ammunition and weapons from Pakistani soldiers.

According to the media reports, a large number of Pakistani soldiers have been casualties, who are being taken to the hospital by helicopter.
Now afraid of this action of TTP, Pakistan is deploying additional army in these areas.. Apart from this, Pakistan has also sealed Torkham border.. so that TTP fighters cannot move ahead…

On the other hand..Pakistani army says that suddenly hundreds of Taliban terrorists entered Pak border from Afghan side..and they started firing..and in this firing Pak army killed 12 TTP fighters However, this claim has not been confirmed yet.. It is being told that the TTP fighters attacked the Pak army at around 4 am in the morning.. .

Since the Taliban came to power, the relations between the two countries have been going through a very bad phase. Pakistan is continuously accusing Taliban that it is working to send Tehrik Taliban terrorists from its land to Pakistan by giving them shelter and training. The TTP is continuously carrying out forceful attacks on Pakistani police and army.

There has been firing between Pak Army and TTP at many places. But the Taliban, which is in power in Afghanistan, is continuously rejecting Pakistan’s allegations. Taliban says that it is not sending terrorists from its soil to Pakistan.