Bharat Express

Labour Should Not Be Devalued, This Is All a Labourer Wants

Everything in the world is built by labourers, from needles to space rockets, roads to buildings, towns to villages, bicycles to planes.


Labour should not be undervalued; this is what the labourer desires.

International Labour Day is known by various names around the world but the essence and sentiment are the same: to show respect and honour to the labourers who built this world.

Recognizing their presence and appreciating their significance, and not interfering with their rights. Everything in the world is built by labourers, from needles to space rockets, roads to buildings, towns to villages, bicycles to planes. Mazdoor is a word that signifies “labourer.”That is why labour and employees must be respected.

The biggest issue for all employees worldwide is the devaluation of labour. When a considerable portion of the profit goes to the capitalist, the devaluation of labour occurs. And it is where the exploitation begins. This exploitation is most prevalent in the unorganized sector. The situation is slightly better in countries where tough labour regulations have been enacted. However, where there is a large population and constant competition, the working conditions of the labourers are deplorable.

It is not that the governments do nothing but it is more a matter of concern for the society than the government. It is generally said that labor is exploited in capitalism but that’s not true. Workers are exploited everywhere where labor is not rewarded properly. When the laborer is unable to satisfy his basic physical needs, it is his exploitation. Wherever is no fair distribution of profits and all the capital is concentrated in the hands of one person, there can be exploitation of laborers whether it is capitalism, communism, or socialism.

After independence, special laws were made for the interests of laborers in India. The objectives of labor welfare laws can be divided into four parts: social justice, economic justice, strengthening of the national economy, and commitment to international treaties and agreements but this law has barely made a difference to the practical circumstances.

According to the law, a laborer cannot be made to work for more than 8 hours, it is necessary to pay him the minimum wage and he should also get his other rights. But sometimes in adverse circumstances, they are deprived of these things. It is the responsibility of the welfare government to ensure the labourers their rights.

No matter what the system is, if there is no sensitivity, then the problems of the labourers will not be solved. The sensitivity of society is also necessary. Society has to stop looking down upon the laborers.

If contemplated in a true sense, the first builder of this society is a laborer. The strong hands of the labourer have built this civilization. He has built cities, and towns, and has put inventions into practice. He made the fields in the middle of the forests and extracted food from them. He has extracted precious metals and minerals by going into the deep tunnels of the mine. He has discovered unaccessible ways for the progress of human civilization. And those paths have been made easy.

That’s why it is necessary that society, government, and system think sensitively about them. When their body is weak and they’re unable to work, arrangements should be made for their livelihood and their basic needs to be fulfilled. Only then the progress of this society is possible. The labourers are at the forefront of the progress of civilization, they’re our elders and guide who made paths for the direction of our civilization. They’re who have given us houses, food, transport, and a lot more. A memorandum of gratitude is necessary towards those laborers and this will be possible only when society becomes sensitive towards the labourers and governments would be sincere about their rights.

Labour’s Day History

Only after the decline of monarchy and the conversion of an agriculture-based economy into dialogue, the discussion on the exploitation of labourers and their rights in the world duly started.

The beginning of celebrating International Labour Day is considered to be from 1 May 1886, when the labour unions of America went on strike to keep the work time not more than 8 hours. The second strength of May Day was founded in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution, which was considered a workers’ government on the principles of Karl Marx. India was the first to give the idea of unifying the labourers of the world.

In this way, the importance of labour was recognized in both the systems of capitalism and communism. May Day was first celebrated in India on 1 May 1923 in Chennai. At that time it was certified as Madras Day. It was started by comrade Singaravelu Chettiar, leader of the Bharatiya Mazdoor Kisan Party.

In India, a big demonstration was held in front of the Madras High Court, and by passing a resolution it was agreed that this day should be celebrated as Workers’ Day in India as well and a holiday should be declared on this day. In about 80 countries including India, this day is celebrated on the first of May. The logic behind this is the certification of this day as International Labor Day.