Bharat Express

G-20 Summit: Putin is not coming due to fear of arrest?

Under the Geneva Convention Act 1960, the signatory India also has a provision for trial and punishment in such cases..

Though India is a close friend still the international law is more abiding..

Though India is a close friend still the international law is more abiding..

The question asks – Why did Putin change plans regarding G-20? Is it fear of getting arrested in India?

G-20 summit has been organized for the first time in India. But it will be regretted that the President of Russia, one of the loyal friends of India, Vladimir Putin did not come to attend it. Although he sent Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in his place to participate in the G20 conference.

In such a situation, it is a big question whether Putin did not come of his own free will or there is some resentment within him regarding the G20. Earlier, Putin did not even attend the BRICS conference held in South Africa.

In fact, it is believed that Putin is hesitating to visit the country for only one reason. On 24 February 2022, the International Criminal Court declared the President of Russia a war criminal because of Ukraine. Allegations were made against him for forcibly taking Ukrainian children to Russia.

And on March 17, 2023, the Criminal Court of the International Court of Justice issued a warrant for Putin’s arrest. Significantly, 123 countries are members of the International Criminal Court where South Africa is also a member country.

If Putin had gone to participate in BRICS, he could have been arrested there by the ICC. But India is not a member of the International Criminal Court. Despite this, if Putin had come to India, ICC would have appealed to India for Putin’s arrest. Then the fear could have come true- that’s what a too careful Putin thinks.

Though India cannot be forced to act on that appeal of the ICC, but here the Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention might get into use. Cases like war crimes are considered a serious violation of Article 147 of the Geneva Convention.

The Geneva Convention took place in 1949.. and India also signed it. Under this, it becomes the responsibility of every country to take action in such cases under its own laws and prosecute the accused or extradite them to another country.

Under the Geneva Convention Act 1960, India also has a provision for trial and punishment in such cases.. However, under this law, no court can take any action without the approval of the government.

And this is the reason why Putin Seeing these threats, he neither went to participate in BRICS nor did he come to India to participate in G20.