Bharat Express

These 5 Lifestyle Factors Results In Grey Hair Before Time

A mix of genetic and environmental variables, including a person’s lifestyle choices, might be blamed for premature greying. In addition to heredity, a person’s lifestyle choices can also affect whether they age prematurely.

Grey Hair

Premature Grey Hair

Grey hair is a normal part of aging, but for some people, it develops earlier than anticipated. A mix of genetic and environmental variables, including a person’s lifestyle choices, might be blamed for premature greying. In addition to heredity, a person’s lifestyle choices can also affect whether they age prematurely. While your genetics may be beyond your control, you may still make decisions that can support healthy hair and postpone the appearance of grey hairs.

You can lower your chances of early greying and preserve a vivid mane for longer by giving up smoking, controlling stress, having a healthy diet, using mild hair care techniques, and giving sleep priority. Following are the 5 factors


Smoking has long been linked to a number of health hazards, including an early onset of gray hair. According to research, smokers are more likely than non-smokers to experience an earlier onset of gray hair. Tobacco’s dangerous chemicals can injure the melanin-producing cells in hair follicles, resulting in a loss of color and the appearance of grey hair.


Chronic stress can have a disastrous effect on your general health and change the color of your hair. Cortisol and other hormones that are released in response to stress might interfere with the regular cycle of hair growth. Premature graying could be the outcome of this disturbance. Finding practical stress-reduction strategies, including exercise or meditation, can lessen this risk.

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Poor Nutrition

Your diet has a big impact on the condition and color of your hair. Premature greying can be caused by a deficiency in important nutrients including copper and zinc, as well as vitamins B12, D, and E. The health and brilliance of your hair can be preserved with a well-balanced diet rich in these nutrients.

Hair Care routine

The color of your hair can also change depending on how you treat it. Premature greying can result from overusing heat styling equipment, chemical treatments, and abrasive shampoos. Selecting gentle hair care products and limiting heat exposure will help maintain the natural color of your hair.

Lack of Sleep

Sleep is essential for maintaining the health of the entire body, including the health of the hair. Insufficient sleep can thwart the body’s natural processes for repair, particularly those involving hair follicles. This can eventually cause premature graying. In order to keep healthy hair, it’s crucial to obtain adequate rest.