Bharat Express

Rahul Gandhi Condemns Centre Government In Europe While India Convenes G20 Summit

On Friday, September 8, he addressed with the media in Brussels about his meeting with European Parliamentarians, during which he discussed the difficulties India’s democracy is currently experiencing on the economic and social fronts.

Rahul Gandhi in Europe

Rahul Gandhi condemns Modi government on sidelines of G20 Summit

While India is convening the most prestigious event of its history – the G20 Summit Rahul Gandhi, leader of Congress party is out there condemning India in foreign land of Europe. He is currently in on his visit to Europe, and on his visit he is consistently downrating Prime Minister Modi and the ruling government of India. Striking at the head of the government, Rahul Gandhi accused him of being authoritative in nature rather than being democratic. Also, he stated that the political dispute in India is between “Mahatma Gandhi’s vision” and his killer “Nathuram Godse’s vision”.

India democracy facing economical and social issues, says Rahul Gandhi in Europe

On Friday, September 8, he addressed with the media in Brussels about his meeting with European Parliamentarians, during which he discussed the difficulties India’s democracy is currently experiencing on the economic and social fronts.

“We were giving them a sense of the type of challenges India is facing – economic challenges, other challenges, the general sort of attack on the democratic institutions,” Gandhi told the press.

“There is a full-scale assault on the democratic institutions of our country that everybody knows…And of course, minorities are under attack but so are many of the other communities – Dalit communities, tribal communities, lower caste communities are also under attack,” the Wayanad MP said.

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Rahul: “There is an attempt to change the nature of our country…”

“There is an attempt to change the nature of our country. Our country in the constitution is described as a union of states and we believe that the most critical aspect of our union is the conversation between members of our union. And there is an alternative vision, which is the BJP vision, which believes that power should be centralised, power should be concentrated, wealth should be concentrated and the conversation between members of the union…between people of India should be suppressed. And so, this is the fight between two visions. I like to term it the fight between Mahatma Gandhi’s vision and Nathuram Godse’s vision, Nathuram Godse being the person who assassinated our leader,” Rahul summed up.

He, however, added, “The democratic fight and the fight for democracy in India is ours, and it’s our responsibility. And we will take care of it, and we will make sure that the sort of onslaught on our institutions and on our freedom is stopped. The Opposition will make sure it happens.”