Bharat Express

Xi Jinping Worries About CCP’s Potential Demise

CCP fears that it may suffer the same fate as the Soviet Union, which disintegrated as a result of a large-scale exodus from the party

Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping has been voicing warnings about the Communist Party of China (CCP) collapsing for some time, despite 415 million people worldwide abandoning their allegiance with CCP, regiments, teams, and other affiliated organizations since July 1 this year.

People’s reactions around the world have taken CCP officials by surprise, with Xi Jinping remarking at the recent SCO Summit that he is opposed to any country instigating color revolutions or interference in internal affairs for any cause.

President Xi stated at the SCO summit that SCO member states should be mindful of external forces establishing a scenario for the new cold war and developing antagonistic factions.

He has regularly issued warnings about the CCP’s impending collapse, which appears to be unavoidable if not addressed.

Xi Jinping delivered a speech to the young cadre training class in 2022, and it was recently released as an article in CCP’s journal ‘seeking truth’, addressing his concerns about the CCP’s impending collapse.

In his speech, Xi Jinping emphasized the significance of sustaining Marxism and Communist ideals under the banner of Chinese characteristics, which would otherwise result in a similar type of dissolution as the Soviet Union.

CCP fears that it may suffer the same fate as the Soviet Union, which disintegrated as a result of a large-scale exodus from the party.

The CCP’s anxiety is compounded by China’s deteriorating internal and foreign crises, intensifying rivalry with the international community, and economic and social obstacles.

Given the current situation, the CCP rulers’ policy initiatives are becoming increasingly unpopular and are drawing criticism in China and other nations.

Millions of people are leaving the party, putting pressure on the CCP leadership and indicating the CCP’s decline among the Chinese people.

Given the threat to power dynamics, the CCP has become more dictatorial, cracking down on the Chinese oligarchs, people’s freedom and liberty, blocking internet criticism, and consolidating power in the hands of Xi.

However, dissent persists in some form or another, as seen by millions of individuals worldwide departing the party in protest at the party’s practices of repressing people’s voices and liberties.

The situation has alarmed the CCP’s leadership with Xi declaring that the party is dying as a result of the mass exodus. He has been urging people to continue with the party for ideological reasons.

The sentiment does not exist among present CCP members since they are motivated by power and remain loyal to the party.

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