BJP candidate Satish Upadhyay, contesting from the Malviya Nagar Assembly seat in Delhi, received a warm reception from party workers in Gautam Nagar, where they weighed him with laddus as a part of his election campaign. Following the gesture, the laddus were distributed among the workers, fueling the momentum of the campaign.
#DelhiElection2025 | Laddus equivalent to the weight of BJP candidate from Malviya Nagar, Satish Upadhyay were distributed by party workers during his campaigning in Gautam Nagar today
— ANI (@ANI) January 23, 2025
Malviya Nagar is considered one of Delhi’s most closely watched constituencies this election season, with a fierce triangular contest shaping up. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has fielded its sitting MLA, Somnath Bharti, while Congress has nominated Jitendra Kumar Kochar for the seat. This marks a shift in strategy for both BJP and Congress, as both parties have changed their candidates compared to the 2020 Delhi Assembly elections.
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In the 2020 polls, Congress had fielded Neetu Verma and BJP had nominated Shailendra Singh. Somnath Bharti, who has represented Malviya Nagar in the last three elections, is aiming to retain his seat amidst growing competition.
The Malviya Nagar seat, a high-stakes battleground, is set for a fierce contest with the candidates vying for the support of local voters. As the election draws closer, all eyes will be on how the dynamics unfold in this crucial constituency.
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