Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s party, Janata Dal (United) (JD(U)), today sacked its Manipur unit chief Ksh Biren Singh after he informed the Governor about the party’s decision to withdraw support from the BJP-led state government.
The JD(U) currently has only one MLA, Md Abdul Nasir, in the Manipur assembly. Out of the six JD(U) candidates who won in the 2022 state elections, five later joined the ruling BJP. Singh’s announcement that his lone MLA would sit in the Opposition benches led to his dismissal from the party.
In its statement, JD(U) clarified that Singh took the decision to withdraw support from the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) in Manipur without consulting the party’s central leadership. The party also stated that its MLA, Md Abdul Nasir, would not sit in the Opposition benches in the assembly.
Singh, in his letter to the Governor, mentioned that the trial under the 10th Schedule of the Constitution for the five defected MLAs is pending before the Speaker’s tribunal.
The BJP currently holds 37 seats in the 60-member Manipur Assembly, with the support of the Naga People’s Front and three Independents. JD(U)’s support helped the BJP secure a majority after its seat tally dropped in the general election this year.
The JD(U) and BJP remain key allies in Bihar, where assembly elections are expected later this year. Nitish Kumar, who has shifted political alliances multiple times, rejoined the NDA after initially being part of the Opposition bloc INDIA.
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