The Delhi High Court has directed Delhi University (DU) to follow examination rules more strictly. The court ordered the Dean and Head of the Faculty of Law to ensure that date sheets are released at least 15 days before exams. Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma emphasized that administrative decisions, including the release of the date sheet, should prioritize students’ interests.
The court noted that students must be given sufficient information before exams begin. It also stated that DU should adhere to examination rules while being considerate of students’ welfare. The directive came after petitions were filed by students seeking the cancellation of the exam schedule issued on January 3. The original schedule set the LLB-1, 3, and 5-semester exams to start on January 6.
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After student complaints, DU revised the schedule. Petitioners’ counsel argued that a mechanism should be in place to avoid last-minute changes to the date sheet. However, the court chose not to interfere with the revised schedule, expressing reluctance to get involved in the administration of DU’s Law Faculty. The court concluded that interfering at this stage would not be appropriate.
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