Bharat Express

Lunch Hour: Finding happiness not next to impossible

The question is -Can we find happiness in life? -if yes then how? The second question is really a little difficult to find answer for.

We constantly keep thinking about how to find happiness in life. Life as such is the same happiness giving to everyone but dealing with it every time is different in case of everyone.

People who try to look for happiness usually are two kinds. One who were happy before, and the second ones are the ones who are not happy now. They wonder how to find happiness or happiness again.

Happiness might feel elusive at times seemingly being out of your reach, still that doesn’t make it an impossible journey for you to go through. Neither is it a goal to achieve, in fact. On the contrary, you have got to believe,  happiness could be awaiting your arrival on the next corner if you just keep hanging on.

It may even be simpler than that. Happiness might have been around you all along—it’s just that you have not realized its very existence. Or may be you did not have time to realize it. Actually it is less complicated than you believe.

There are many other thing probably we do not notice other than finding happiness in driving the newest car or having the latest gadget. But, actually this is just a momentary happiness. Are we aware of something called a constant happiness or a permanent happiness?

For finding happiness we first need to know what is it that drives happiness for real? There are two categories of the driving source of happiness: one is outer happiness and the other is the inner happiness.

Outer happiness is the fulfilment of our physical or outward requirements e.g. money, job, house, status, car, family, salary, etc. Vice versa the inner happiness is the fulfilment of our emotional requirements, for example – love, peace, satisfaction, etc. Out of the two longer lasting are the ones which are our inner happiness than the points of outer happiness.

Same way, more happiness giving are also in fact the inner fulfilment rather than the outer ones. This is also more soothing than the outward sources of happiness.

Now we have to decide what is our priority – outer happiness or inner happiness? And now the bottom line is this that instead of chasing outer happiness, let us start discovering inner happiness which is around us and actually within us. Let us find them and stay happy all through our life. Trust me, there is a lot of happiness within our reach.
