Bharat Express

With Heaviest Rocket Launch, ISRO Says – Happy Diwali, India !!

An exulted ISRO chairman says -‘Our Diwali started’. India’s day commenced with the heaviest rocket launch by the agency today.

The Secretary of the Department of Space.   Somnath terms the mission ‘historic’. Somanath credits PM Modi’s support for the mission’s success.

As per the ISRO, this was a mission with the heaviest payloads keeping 36 satellites of OneWeb, thus becoming the first rocket with a payload of 5,796 kg by India.

The ISRO Chief shared his ecstasy saying that the space agency’s Diwali has started with the successful launch of the heaviest rocket carrying 36 communication satellites.

Speaking to the media gathering present on the occasion, Dr Somanath said that the Chandrayaan 3 is “almost ready” and this is with the final technical check-ups can be launched by the month of June 2023.

ISRO chief revealed that “Chandrayaan-3 is almost ready with the completion of its final integration. Now some more tests are pending, this is why we are planning to do it a little later. As per the availability of the next two slots one in February and another in June, the agency would like to go for June (2023) slot for the launch,”


