Bharat Express

Ukraine On Russian 200,000 Soldiers Target?

Ukraine: A New Battle Around The Corner

Ukraine: A New Battle Around The Corner

Ukraine head of armed forces anticipates a fresh Russian assault on Kyiv in the first quarter of 2023.

Mostly the combat was centered in the eastern and southern regions. General Valeriy Zaluzhny warned the British weekly that the capital will once more be the focus of attack.

In an interview from December 3, he added that building reserves and preparing for the conflict. A conflict which is a “very significant strategic task” may happen in February, at best in March.

“The Russians are preparing 200,000 additional soldiers.”. They’ll definitely try Kyiv again, I have no doubt “During the interview, he stated.

“We have calculated how many tanks, how much artillery, and so on and so forth we need.”

Also Read: Russia-Ukraine War: Non-Stop Drone Attack Scares Dark Ukraine Bad 

Ukraine faced troops moved from Moscow in effort to seize Kyiv quickly at the end of February

The attackers halted several dozen kilometers from the capital in a triumph for the Ukrainian army. They withdrew from the area at the end of March and the beginning of April.

After driving the Russians from the Kharkiv area in the northeast in September and Kherson in the south last month, the general said one of his current challenges was “to hold this (front)line,” which runs from south to east, “and not lose any further land.”

The Russians have been bombarding Zaluzhny’s energy infrastructure since October as a result of a string of embarrassing defeats on the battlefield because “they need time to accumulate supplies” for an extensive attack in the upcoming months.

“I am not an energy specialist but the destruction of  electrical infrastructure by missile and drone strikes” it appears we are on the brink.”

The waves of attacks on the power grid that have already occurred have resulted in widespread power disruptions that have left millions of Ukrainians in the icy cold and dark of winter.

The general added, “I am confident that I can defeat this adversary. But I require supplies.

“I need 500 Howitzers, 600-700 infantry fighting vehicles, and 300 tanks.”