Bharat Express


Pakistan has been looking to win the global body's approval to get $6.5 billion in funding which is currently stalled...

the reproduction rate  of the virus increased from 1.04 on November 11 to 3.44 a week later, or "one individual carrying the virus might infect 3.44 others."

Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he never saw his Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj as an “important political player”..

The Korean peninsula is currently in the grip of what weather forecasters have described as a Siberian cold snap, with temperatures in Pyongyang dropping as low as -22 degrees Celsius..

Nobel laureate Amartya Sen has been asked to hand over parts of a plot of land in West Bengal's Santiniketan..

PTI leaders condemned the detention of Fawad Chaudhry and slammed the government over the arrest..

Carmel Sepuloni was sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister, he is the first person of Pacific Island heritage who has taken on the role...

The Stanford-Binet IQ test revealed that Teddy who had the letter and word recognition of a child of about 9 years old scored 139 and was in the 99.5th percentile for his age..

These consecutive mass shootings come against the backdrop of the frightening rise in gun violence in the US...

Pakistan’s ministry of energy said that the frequency of the national grid went down at 7:34 am (local time) which caused a "widespread breakdown" in the power system...