Bharat Express


Earlier today, France rescued 388 people from 28 nations, including Indian nationals

He was previously the Vice President of Community Health at Northwell Health and is now the President & CEO of NYJTL

White House asked Seoul to encourage Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix to hold back from boosting sales

Turkey is determined in the fight against terrorism

The blue marble in space is really quite beautiful and awe-inspiring when seen from 250 miles straight up

The PTI finalised a list of 297 candidates recently after PTI Chief interviewed all party candidates in person to uphold merit in awarding party tickets, say reports

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said the quake posed no threat to Hawaii and the wider Pacific. A localised potential for a tsunami passed without any confirmed impact.

Biden is expected to formally announce his 2024 reelection campaign as soon as this week, according to three people briefed on the discussions.

"As the fighting reached its second week, Biden called for an "immediate and unconditional ceasefire,"

“I know the media market is changing. But I have such respect for the freedom of the press in India. There is nothing that's kept secret there..."